My dog gets all sorts of nervous before it snows. Or rains. She walks the house. She follows me around. She barks to get up on the bed then barks to get down. Most of the time I have limited sympathy for this crazy dog, but every once in…
Category: Uncategorized
Have a cat? Ever wish you could communicate certain things to your cat? Me too. Things like…. 1. Settle. I’m not going to let you starve. 2. You have a scratching post. 3. It is not a leather chair. 4. You can’t fit everywhere. 5. Not everyone…
Someone is being harassed or humiliated every day online because someone else has decided that person is fundamentally bad. Sometimes a social media vigilante beats the war drums and all the digital villagers rush out with pitchforks and fire before they know what’s what. I know. I’ve been there. “The…
Christmas is over, but the gingerbread cookies hang on. Like hard little reminders of all that unfettered gluttony. Well, they were tasty. If not tasteless (See photos below). I hope everyone enjoyed my family gingerbread recipe that was part of the 3 Seas Scavenger Hunt. Follow the link under 3…
Writing can be a lonely business. Cue world’s smallest violin. That’s probably why so many critique groups and critique partnerships exist. When I was at Stonecoast (MFA program extraordinaire), I met and befriended a lot of amazing writers. Three years later, many of us continue to stay in touch by…