Out of my comfort zone in month six!

My yearlong quest to do one thing a month that takes me out of my comfort zone continues. Hello, June. I really am loving this challenge and highly recommend it to everyone. No reason to wait for next year. If you’re able, you can go from this July to next July. Let me know if you do!

Not sure if it’s because of this challenge or the fact that I published my first novel this year, but it seems I have a lot more opportunities to do scary things. Way more than one a month. Maybe because I’m saying yes more often. It’s sort of become a habit. Those fearful worries and reasons-I-can’t mumblings–this is too expensive, too weird, or too whatever–are growing quieter. I’m meeting more people, signed up for more things, and volunteering more. I’m even starting a Youtube channel. (More on that in July!) I’m also traveling a LOT more.

So what’s on the agenda for this month? An all-by-my-lonesome camping road trip!

I’m traveling across the country and camping along the way. No hotels for me. So nervous. I’m directionally challenged. Cheryl Strayed in WILD I am not. Camping alone? Who’s going to start the fire? Not my specialty. And I tend to attract bears.  *knocks on wood* *knocks twice more* *worries that knocking twice voids first knock, knocks again*

Oh, well, wish me luck. Happy 4th, everyone!