
Luring a serial killer to a remote cabin sounds like a bad idea. A worse idea? Staking out that cabin with your ex-fiancé.
Broken Promises (Book 1 The Bad Legacy)
Felicity Shields spent a lifetime fleeing her notorious mother’s reputation. But when her mother’s killer marks her as the next victim, there’s nowhere left to run. Desperate, she turns to a man she once trusted completely. The same man who broke her heart long ago.
Private security expert Brooks Delgado knows how to stop a killer. He also knows Fee wouldn’t ask for his help if she had any other choice. As the man who once loved her, he’ll help her catch a murderer. As the man who loves her still, he’ll move mountains to keep her safe and prove himself worthy of a second chance.
Another smart, sexy thriller by #1 Amazon bestselling author Diana Munoz Stewart
Praise for Broken Promises (Bad Legacy Book 1)
“A novel full of terror, heartache, suspense, love, and forgiveness. This book was beautifully written and the characters speak to your heart.”―Kathoo, Amazon Reviewer (Five Stars)
“Wow is all I can say. This book had me from page one to the very last page. Intense, tragic, heartfelt, deceptive, action packed, second chances and deadly are just a few of the words I would use to describe this book. The characters are amazing the story kept me guessing to the very end. I loved it. This is a must read.” Reader003, Amazon Reviewer (Five Stars)
“The plot is amazing with lots of twists and turns. It’s action packed and romantic. I highly recommend this book..” LL, Amazon Reviewer (Five Stars)
“I could not put this book down! I loved the characters & their story! The ending took me by surprise!.” Renwith, Amazon Reviewer (Five Stars)
“I loved the romance, second chance stories are some of my favorites and Brooks and Fee are so beautifully flawed. No cliffhanger but it is part of a series so parts are left open. This was a great read.” HP, Amazon Reviewer (Five Stars)
“This book had me hooked from page one! I was immediately sucked into the story and couldn’t put it down. I loved the timeliness of the story in relating to today’s world events. Men meeting in secret dark web chat rooms plotting the demise of strong women seems to be a scary yet all too real theme in today’s world. I love how the author explores how that happens to these disaffected men and how their insecurities are easily manipulated. Again, so real it’s scary. I was already a big fan of this author from her Black Ops series of books so I knew I would enjoy this one as well. The author did not let me down as it had even more intrigue and mystery wrapped up with a pretty bow of romance:) Loved it, highly recommend this book!!!” CP, Amazon Reviewer, (Five Stars)
“I have read Diana’s previous novels and have loved them for their unique blend of thrills and romance. This one is supurb, again a blend of heart-pounding and heart-rendering. You’ll touch every emotion as Felicity (the protagonist in Broken Promises) faces odds that seem unsurmountable yet she perseveres.” EP, Amazon Reviewer (Five Stars)
“Broken Promises is a phenomenal read! Diana Muñoz Stewart does not disappoint and as usual she is on point with a topical subject and edge of your seat, heart-pounding, thrill a minute tension. Buy this book now!” MS, Amazon Reviewer (Five Stars)
Pedal to the floor, heart in her throat, Felicity Shields raced along a dry desert road lined with sharp shrubs and twisted trees. Red dust ballooned over the hood of her car.
Her eyes focused on her mom’s distant, lavish, two-story adobe house. Backdropped by New Mexico’s Sangre de Cristos mountains, the McMansion appeared inconsequential, isolated, and abandoned. She gripped the steering wheel. Why isn’t Mom answering?
A series of chimes blared through her car speakers, startling her. Glancing at the touchscreen, she accepted the call. “Hey, Mae.”
“Oh, good. I caught you. Tell your mom I’ll be watching her speech online from my bed. This pregnancy is a killer. When do you take off?”
She wiped sweat from her forehead. “We missed our flight.”
There was an ominous pause on Mae’s end. “What happened?”
What happened? Fee swallowed. “Mom was supposed to pick me up. She never showed. I called; she didn’t answer. I’m on my way to her place now.”
Another pause, this one punctuated by heavy breaths that reflected Fee’s own budding panic. “Your mom always answers when you—” The connection cut out and back again. “She once picked up your call during a CNN interview.”
True. So many people thought that call had been staged to show Mom as likeable and motherly during her trial. The truth was, she’d called Mom in a blind panic after having destroyed things with the love of her life, Brooks. In her desperation, she’d forgotten Mom had had the interview. “Look—”
“You’re cutting out.”
Of course she was; the service out here sucked. “I’m almost there.”
“Maybe you should call Liam? He does work for the Santa Fe PD.”
Ugh. She’d intended to tell Mae all about Detective McCheater at the conference, but with Mae on bed rest, she wouldn’t make the conference. A turn of the wheel and she bumped onto the brick-lined driveway. “I’m here. I’ll call you back in ten minutes.”
“I’ll—” Static. “—five minutes—.” Silence. “I call the police.”
She wanted to tell Mae not to worry, but, first, she’d have to convince herself. Mom was in great shape but older now. What if she’d fallen? Should she have called an ambulance? “Give me at least ten minutes”
Mae didn’t answer.
Fee fished her cell from the cup holder and glanced at the screen. Lost connection. Great.
She hit the garage remote. Bay one didn’t open. She hit the other two buttons.
This was why Mom wasn’t answering. Something had happened to the power and, without the cell extender, Mom couldn’t make or receive calls. And, of course, the generator hadn’t kicked on.
Relief loosened her tense shoulders.
She’d told Mom she needed propane. For such a brilliant woman, Dorothy “Never Surrender” Shields was often absent-minded. Time to renew pressure on Mom to get over Claire retiring and pick a new personal assistant.
Slipping her phone into the sleek pocket of her yoga pants, she flung open the car door and climbed out. A hundred-degree dry wind gusted blonde her hair into her face then out of her face when the wind changed direction.
She jogged up the slate stairs. The back of her flip-flops thwacked against her heels, the loudest sound out here.
Crossing the portcullis, beautifully landscaped with cacti and a splash of hardy wildflowers she inserted her key into the lock. Her shoe crunched on dirt and a shard of a clay pot. One of Mom’s planters was upended.
Squatting down, she righted the cracked pot then cupped the dirt and deposited it and the largest shard back inside.
Dusting the soil from her hands, she stood, turned the key, then pushed the bronzed handle.
It didn’t budge. Fear hijacked her nervous system, spiking her blood pressure, sending cortisol and adrenalin to work. Had turning the key locked the already open door?
Stop. She breathed deeply. There’s no reason to make a big deal out of it. This is so like Mom. The woman had once been protected by Secret Service, but now, she can’t even be bothered to lock her front door.
Annoyed, Fee unlocked the door and readied herself to give Mom a piece of her mind. Then they’d eat breakfast because she was well and truly starving. After breakfast, she’d arrange new flights. Thankfully, they had some time. Mom wasn’t speaking until tomorrow morning, but she’d miss today’s afternoon meetings. Maybe she could livestream in.
Backhanding the front door closed, she tossed her keys into the metal bowl atop the foyer table. The swish and clink echoed down the stairwell, nearly drowning out a muffled grunt from below.
Mom was probably doing her morning yoga on the lower deck. Letting her fingers brush the smooth iron railing, she headed down to the terrace level. “Mom? It’s—” she worked moisture into a dry throat “—Fee.”
Blinking at the change in light, she hit the switch. Duh. No lights without electricity.
Flicking her sunglasses up, she let her eyes adjust. Long glass panels opened to a stunning mountain view. Outside those panels, chaise lounges sat on a large deck with a gas fire pit and an infinity pool.
A heavy, metallic smell coated the air. Her stomach rolled as her vision adjusted. Muted mustard walls, colorful patterned chairs, tan leather couches… and Mom.
Sitting on one of the couches, Mom had on a red mud mask. Unbelievable. “A facial, really? Today’s Friday. We’ve missed our flight.”
She crossed the room. Mom groaned. The facial dripped into her eyes.
Not a facial.
“Mom!” Heart screaming, she slid to her knees. Bile rose in her throat. Her shaking hands skirted over her mom’s wrists.
So much blood.
What was happening? What had happened? Had to stop the bleeding.
Her mother made a sound—a protest or maybe a plea. Dark red blood gushed down her chin.
An ambulance! Call an ambulance!
Please let my phone work. She reached for her cell. Mom’s eyes rolled up.
“Hold on, Mom.” Please, hold on. “I’m calling for help.”
Shaking, she dialed 911.
“Ffff,” Blood shot from her mom’s mouth, landing hot across Fee’s lips.
A swish of sound from behind then a shadow arm appeared across the couch.
Terror seized her. Twisting away, she smashed the call button. A whistle of sound and a sharp crack of pain snapped against her head, dragging away consciousness.